Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Green Technology Information What You May Know, Not Know, And Dont Want To Know

Green Technology Information What You May Know, Not Know, And Dont Want To Know

Image source: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/4FxkxcJnQ9A/maxresdefault.jpg

Green Technology Information What You May Know, Not Know, And Dont Want To Know

Green technology is often referred to as clean technology, environmental technology, or sustainable technology. Regardless of what you label it, the basics of it are where environmental science is applied with the intention of conserving the environment and minimizing mankinds footprint on it.

The applications are widespread when it comes to environmental technology and yet many ways, we still lack doing enough. The applications used are sometimes as simple as upgrading our appliances and installing energy saving lighting or doing more complex things like building recycling facilities, installing climate monitoring systems and using air filtering devices. All of which take a lot of manpower and money.

Being Environmentally Conscious

For the most part, people now are pretty much aware of the things they do or dont do that are harmful to the environment. Human activities have caused many ecological problems that have, in some opinions, caused a crisis. On the top of the list is global warming, deforestation, and nuclear energy danger.

The popular motto of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and has been around for a few decades now. It was coined by environmental groups as an effort to make the public more consciousness of what we do and dont do. If we cant reduce, then we need to reuse or recycle things. However, it has become so commonplace, perhaps it now falls on deaf ears.

Today, the motto that environmentalist hope to regenerate the publics attention is Go Green as in regards to our consumption of things we buy and things we do. The focus on being environmentally conscious is now geared more to buying energy-efficient appliances and lighting as opposed to just simply turning off the lights when not in use. The amount of different green technology gadgets that are on the market today can make a contribution to the go green efforts.

The Renewable Resource Concept

If you arent familiar with the term renewable resources, then you have been living in a cave or under a rock. This is where we are encouraged to use resources that can be easily renewed and not deplete what Mother Earth has given us. The thought being that in time, these resources we have will become gone and unworkable eventually.

If an activity is allowed to continue on for a long period of time, it can become destructive, including the use of certain pieces of green technology. As such, it will obliterate the environment that surrounds it, and that in turn, will harm any life form that depends on that part of the environment. Hence, human activity, then, is no longer sustainable when it depletes or destroys the ecosystem that surrounds it.

What Does This Information Mean To You?

We need to understand that environmental destruction isnt just about killing wildlife or spoiling bucolic vistas. However, and unfortunately, the ecological crisis that many believe we are currently in is more severe than we may realize.

Too many of us have either forgotten or ignored the resources that have been recognized and regarded by the AMNH (American Museum of Natural History) as well as the United Nations have agreed upon. Some experts tell us that we, as humans, are in the midst of the 6th major mass extinction. When you consider that approximately 2/3 of any and all species were gone after the last great extinction almost 65 million years ago, it is a scary thought.

These same experts will tell you that the human species has manufactured an extinction that is comparable to that one. They estimate that approximately 50,000 species could be lost each year and by the year 2100, it is possible that 2/3 of the current species on Earth will have either disappear or will soon be extinct.

So What Should We Do?

Practice all the things weve heard over the past few decades. Go green by recycling and reusing.  All of that will reduce the waste. We only have one Mother Earth. There isnt another one coming along, or not that any of us know about anyway.  Take care of what we have today so well have it tomorrow and many more tomorrows.

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